Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz while shooting "Der Fußgänger" (1973)
Dagmar Hirtz, Gustav Rudolf Sellner in "Der Fußgänger" (1973)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz while shooting "Der Fußgänger" (1973)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz, Gustav Rudolf Sellner while shooting "Der Fußgänger" (1973)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz, Gustav Rudolf Sellner, Ruth Hausmeister (left to right) while shooting "Der Fußgänger" (1973)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz, Gustav Rudolf Sellner while shooting "Der Fußgänger" (1973)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz, Maximilian Schell (right) while shooting "First Love" (1970)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz (in the center), Maximilian Schell (front, center) while shooting "First Love" (1970)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz, Maximilian Schell while shooting "First Love" (1970)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz (center, standing), Maximilian Schell (behind the camera) while shooting "First Love" (1970)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz, Maximilian Schell (center) while shooting "First Love" (1970)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz (fifth from left), Maximilian Schell (to the right of Dagmar Hirtz) while shooting "First Love" (1970)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz (third from left), Maximilian Schell (to the right of Dagmar Hirtz) while shooting "First Love" (1970)
Source: DFF / Maximilian Schell Collection
Dagmar Hirtz, Maximilian Schell (center) while shooting "First Love" (1970)