All Pictures (5)Biography
Konrad Wolf was born in Hechingen in 1925 and died in Berlin in 1982. In 1933, his family emigrated to the Soviet Union. At the age of 18, he joined the Red Army and came to Germany as a lieutenant in 1945. He studied Directing at the Moscow Film School in 1949 and worked as an assistant director to Kurt Maetzig at the DEFA Studios in 1953. His first feature film was "Einmal ist keinmal" (1955). From 1965, Wolf was president of the East German Academy of Arts. His major films include: "Genesung" (1956), "Lissy" (1957), "Sun Seekers" ("Sonnensucher", 1958), "Stars" ("Sterne", 1959), "The Divided Heaven" ("Der geteilte Himmel", 1964), "I Was Nineteen" ("Ich war 19", 1967), "The Naked Man in the Stadium" ("Der nackte Mann auf dem Sportplatz", 1974), and "Mama, I"m Alive" ("Mama, ich lebe", 1977).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH