Quelle: mindjazz pictures, DFF
Tankard in "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
Eradicator in "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
Holy Moses in "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
"Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
Miland "Mille" Petrozza in "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
Marcel "Schmier" Schirmer in "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
Siegfried Rudzynski in "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
Tom Angelripper (links) in "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
Jürgen "Ventor" Reil in "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
Filmplakat von "Total Thrash - The Teutonic Story" (2022)
3.610 (Stand: Juni 2022) Quelle: FFA