My Trip through Germany – Touches of German Life

Deutschland USA 1919-1922 Kurz-Dokumentarfilm
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22:07 min
DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

Amateuraufnahmen aus Deutschland, gedreht um 1920: Unterernährte Kinder in einem Erholungsheim (vermutlich in Berlin-Buch), medizinische Versorgung von an Rachitis erkrankten Kindern, Straßenszenen – teils vom Potsdamer Platz in Berlin – mit Kutschen, Autos, Straßenbahnen, Polizisten und Passanten, Häuser und Hinterhöfe, ein Tennisplatz, eine Polizeihundeschule. "My Trip through Germany – Touches of German Life" ist einer von drei dokumentarischen Filmen, die der amerikanische Arzt und Amateurfilmer William Held während eines Aufenthalts in Berlin von 1919 bis 1922 gedreht hat.


1. A public recreation home for children
2. Director Jaeckel of the Buch institution with Dr. Held
3. Outdoor life of undernourished children
4. Two children of egal age; Boy is rickety
5. Normal sized girl, five, and rickety boy six years of age
6. Two six year old patients
7. Normal child of five, rickety boys 6 and 7 years of age
8. Victims of food scarcity. Rickets, in Germany, was a rare disease before the hunger blockade. Now there are many thousand of such cases
9. Daily exercises strengthen the weak body
10. Immates of St. Michaels Orphanage
11. Emaciated children. Arms circumference is less than that of a silver dollar
12. At play
13. A troop of Germany's new police force. By edict of the allies the German republic is compelled to maintain order with only 150 000 of these men. Germany's population is 60 Million
14. Many vine covered apartment buildings please the eye
15. Backyards are little garden spots
16. Newspaper stand in Berlin
17. Many street intersections are made attractive by little parks
18. Every foot of empty lot is utilized for either gardening or playground
19. German housewifes buying milk
20. Potsdamer Platz Berlin's main thoroughfare
21. Police dogs