All Pictures (2)Biography
Mia-Florentine Weiss, born March 9, 1980, in Würzburg, started to study fashion journalism and media communication at the Akademie für Mode und Design in Hamburg after finishing secondary school in 1999.
Weiss made her first experience as a film actress in 2004 when she started to appear in student films. One year later, she already played her first leading role in the feature film "Neben der Spur" ("Tour Exzess") alongside Tom Schilling. However, Detlef Bothe's society drama did not open in German cinemas until November 2008.
Previously, Weiss starred in several major TV productions including "Inferno – Flammen über Berlin" (2007) as well as in "Anna war in Nizza", the graduation film of Karlsruhe film school student Annekatrin Meyers that was nominated for the "First Steps Awards" in 2007. At the beginning of 2009 Mia Florentine Weiss will be seen in a key supporting role in "Lulu und Jimi" ("Lulu and Jimi") by director Oskar Roehler.