Eva van Leeuwen, Alexander Fehling, Ulrich Thomsen, Vanessa Jopp, Janine Jackowski, Nora Tschirner (left to right) while shooting "Gut gegen Nordwind" (2018)
Natalia Belitski (second on the left), Alexander Fehling (fourth on the left), Sylvester Groth (fifth on the left), Hildegard Schmahl (fifth from the right) in "In Zeiten des abnehmenden Lichts" (2016/17)
Alexander Fehling (on the left), André Szymanski (in the middle), Johann von Bülow (fourth from the right), Johannes Krisch (second from the right), Robert Hunger-Bühler (on the right) in "Im Labyrinth des Schweigens" (2013/14)