Aegir. Ein Film-Festspiel

Deutschland 1918 Werbefilm
Film ansehen
26:45 min
Production company
Julius Pinschewer (Berlin)
Rights statement

Advertising film for the 9th War Bond. Ægir, the King of the Seas, at the bottom of the ocean with floating mermaids. Ægir dining on English delicacies taken from ships that German U-boats have torpedoed. Ægir decides to visit Germany. He appears on a German U-boat (using special effects) "UC28". Ægir is welcomed by the commander. Upon the launch of a signal flare, a seaplane "FF-33" lands next to the submarine and picks up Ægir. The plane lands in a German harbor (Kiel) and is pulled ashore by soldiers. Ægir, surrounded by soldiers, continues his journey to Berlin by train. The Lehrter train station in Berlin. Ægir boards an official car with the imperial eagle. He drives through the Brandenburg Gate, passing trams along the Linden avenue, and by the Neptune Fountain, heading towards the Reichsbank. In an office for war loan subscriptions in the Reichsbank, Ægir speaks with people from all walks of life (intermediate texts). Ægir is now convinced of the success of German war loans. To conclude his journey, he visits the battleship "Ostfriesland" (flagship of the 1st Squadron) in the port of Kiel. Then, he returns to the submarine, which takes him back to the depths of the sea. Submarine diving maneuvers. The Imperial War Flag.

Source: Bundesarchiv