Quatsch und die Nasenbärbande

Deutschland 2013/2014 Spielfilm



Bollersville is average. Its inhabitants get to test every new product before it hits the market. In fact, they are not only proud to be average, they do all they can to stay average! And if that means putting all the grandparents into an old people’s home to keep to the statistical average, then that’s what they do!

The children of Bollersville are no longer keen on being human guinea pigs. With the help of sleeping pills, they knock out the adults and start working on their own adventurous plan to set a new world record. The result is... total chaos!

Fear not! Because the grandparents escape from the old people’s home and convince the adults that just because something looks broken doesn’t mean it necessarily is. With the help of a coati, the children manage to fill the swimming pool with milkshake. The world record is official! In annoyance, the product testers leave the village. From now on the children and grandparents work together, thinking up new world records.

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH



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