Maria, He Doesn′t Like It!
Comedy film based on Jan Weiler′s autobiographically tinted best-selling novel of the same name. The novel′s main protagonist Jan has fallen in love with the German-Italian Sara. Now, they want to marry. They would like to have simple wedding that preferably does not take place at church and does not involve any frippery but only with a small circle of family and friends. Unfortunately, Sara′s Italian father Antonio, a so-called "gastarbeiter" who lives in Osnabrück since 1965, is of another opinion: He demands that Sara and Jan have a large wedding in his native home in South Italy – and that′s that! Immediately on their arrival in the small town of Campobello, the preparations for the family party start. But shy Jan is not that easy with all the action because Sara′s lively family clan confronts him with a world that nearly drives him crazy.
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