The movie is based on the true story of the business man Kurt Andreas Becher, albeit taking the liberty to change a few details. In 1944, SS-Obersturmbannführer (Senior Storm Unit Leader) Becher arrives in Budapest in order to obtain material for the Waffen-SS (Armed SS). At the same time, he starts to gather private property by offering an insidious choice to the corporation′s Jewish majority shareholder, Dr. Chorin: Either Chorin assigns the company to Becker "on his own free will" – thereby obtaining the permission to travel abroad - or he his family will end up in an extermination camp. Chorin chooses survival. Following the slogan "People for Goods" Becher starts a roaring business and stashes away most of the money in Switzerland. After the war, he uses his millions to establish a couple of trading companies. In the Federal Republic of Germany he is never brought to justice for his atrocities.
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