Kiss, Cuddle and Celebrate
Old people who do not live with their families are often lonely, but those who have lived a lie all their lives and repressed their homosexual desires are even more insecure. People like these usually live in large towns or in high rise apartments where a weekly meeting with a boy is not so conspicuous.
This documentary focuses on the lives and philosophy of five elderly homosexuals. The film′s main location is their local bar called "Le Clou". This is where a group of elderly men are able to live life to the full, for here there are no restrictions, no bounds; the men who meet at "Le Clou" have already missed out on so much and are desperate to make the most of everything. Their need to savour the pleasures of the moment, to give vent to their passions shamelessly, can be excessive and can descend into nightmarish breakdowns, jealousy, resentment and despair. The bar becomes a living room for all kinds of emotions, big and small.
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
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