Geschlechterkampf - Das Ende des Patriarchats

Deutschland 2022/2023 Spielfilm


Marga is a forty-two year old actress with a distinguished career behind her. She has won the hearts of audiences and critics alike on the great stages of Berlin. However, she is now experiencing first-hand that as a woman, it is becoming more and more difficult for her to get new roles as she gets older, as the patriarchal structures in the film industry continue to prevail. The only roles she is offered are those that portray her as a stereotypical Russian, where she is expected to clumsily display her heritage. As a result, she is forced to look for work and quickly realizes that these dynamics are present not only in the employment agencies, but in society as a whole, and that she cannot escape the existing power imbalances. In response to this situation, Marga decides to take matters into her own hands.


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  • Originaltitel (DE) Geschlechterkampf - Das Ende des Patriarchats
  • Arbeitstitel Geschlechterkampf
  • Weiterer Titel Battle of the sexes - The end of patriarchy



101 min
DCP, 16:9
Farbe, Dolby 5.1
Censorship/Age rating:

FSK-Prüfung (DE): 23.06.2023, 244694, ab 12 Jahre / feiertagsfrei


Kinostart (DE): 03.08.2023