Sonne und Beton
Sun and Concrete
Gropiusstadt is a large housing estate in Berlin’s Neukölln district that is not for the faint-hearted. For residents Lukas, Julius, Gino and Sanchez, a summer that was at first baking hot and tedious soon turns into a nerve-wracking adventure. Filled with social hardship and badass slang, Felix Lobrecht’s much-lauded autobiographical first novel is a monument to the estate and his four protagonists and is told with wit, passion and poetry. David Wnendt, Germany’s go-to director for tricky material ("Kriegerin"/"Combat Girls", "Feuchtgebiete"/"Wetlands"), wrote the script together with the author and has transposed it to the screen in a fast-paced and entertaining work that is full of situational comedy.
There is plenty of violence, brutality, and "araba-boxing-sonofabitch-I-swear-I’ll-fuck-up-your-face" because here no one can avoid drugs, gang wars and family fissures, and language is in any case the best way to experiment with posing and transgressing. The boys do not even have enough cash for the swimming pool, their mountain of debt grows, a theft goes wrong, and the fact that one of them almost bites the dust in the process is only realised by the others quite late in the day. Just your average life as a teenager in the suburbs – this, too, is Berlin!
Source: 73. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin (Catalogue)
Director of photography
- Lukas
- Julius
- Gino
- Sanchez
- Marco
- Djamel
- Cem
- Lukas' Vater Matthias
- Hamudi
- Lehrer Herr Sonnabend
Production company
Alle Credits
Assistant director
based on
Director of photography
Assistant camera
Steadycam operator
Still photography
Lighting design
Key grip
Production design
Property master
Stand-by props
Make-up artist
Costume design
Assistant editor
Dubbing editor
Sound design
Sound assistant
Synch sound
Foley artist
- Lukas
- Julius
- Gino
- Sanchez
- Marco
- Djamel
- Cem
- Lukas' Vater Matthias
- Hamudi
- Lehrer Herr Sonnabend
- Ginos Vater Henry
- Momo
- Schulleiter Schiezeth
- Karin
- Julius' Bruder Adi
- Shoot
- Kris
- Denise
- Sanchez' Mutter Gaby
- Ali
- Mädchen im Bus
- Marek
- Kumpel von Abdul
- Kumpel von Abdul
- Herr Reuter
- Polizist Werner
- Ginos Mutter Giovanna
- Steinfeld
- Fabian
- Serkan
- Djamels Mutter
- Schüler
- Schüler
- Taxifahrer
Production company
in co-production with
Executive producer
Line producer
Unit production manager
Location manager
Production assistant
Production coordinator
Original distributor
- 25.06.2021 - 11.09.2021: Berlin
FSK-Prüfung (DE): 09.02.2023, 238575, ab 12 Jahre / feiertagsfrei
Uraufführung (DE): 18.02.2023, Berlin, IFF - Berlinale Special;
Kinostart (DE): 02.03.2023
- Originaltitel (DE) Sonne und Beton
- Weiterer Titel (eng) Sun and Concrete
FSK-Prüfung (DE): 09.02.2023, 238575, ab 12 Jahre / feiertagsfrei
Uraufführung (DE): 18.02.2023, Berlin, IFF - Berlinale Special;
Kinostart (DE): 02.03.2023
- Preis der Deutschen Filmkritik, Beste Montage
- Preis des Saarländischen Rundfunks
- Günter Rohrbach Filmpreis
- Gilde Filmpreis, Bester Film (Junges Kino)
- Ensemblepreis
- Deutscher Schauspielpreis, Starker Auftritt
- Filmkunstpreis, Bester Film
- Bayerischer Filmpreis, Beste Bildgestaltung
- Bayerischer Filmpreis, Bestes Drehbuch
- Publikumspreis, Bester Jugendfilm
- Prädikat: besonders wertvoll