Ein Herbst im Ländchen Bärwalde
Roughly 100 kilometres from the Polish border lies the German hamlet of Bärwalde. In the early 1980s, Gautam Bora, an international student at the University of Film and Television in Babelsberg (HFF), made the region his subject for "Ein Herbst im Ländchen Bärwalde", capturing a precise moment in its annual farming season.
Stylistically, the film adheres to the HFF’s then-established commitment to social realist documentary, portraying daily life in East Germany in a television-friendly style guided by an admirable clarity of vision. Bora and cinematographer Marwan Salamah’s attention to detail also adds a subtle, indelible sense of the poetic. Throughout we see images of hands, tools, fabrics or the specific crops that have received care for the previous several months, each quietly communicating as much about life and labour as the first-person interviews they appear alongside. Such directorial sensitivity is equally seen in the space the film offers to not only the men but also the women, working with equal dedication inside the home or the adjacent barnyards.
Source: 73. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin (Catalogue)
Director of photography
Production company
Alle Credits
Script editor
Director of photography
Production company
Unit production manager
- Originaltitel (DD) Ein Herbst im Ländchen Bärwalde
- Arbeitstitel (DD) Hohenseefeld
- Weiterer Titel (eng) An Autumn In The Little Country Of Bärwalde
Restaurierte und digitalisierte Fassung
Aufführung (DE): 21.09.2022 - 25.09.2022, Berlin, Filmerbe-Festival Film Restored;
Aufführung (DE): 19.02.2023, Berlin, IFF - Forum Special