Aljoscha Stadelmann
Aljoscha Stadelmann was born in Wuppertal in 1974. After graduating from school, he got his first theatre experience working as an assistant director at the Schauspielhaus Bochum. From 1994 until 1997, he studied acting at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hamburg. He went on to perform as a company player and featured actor at renowned theatres like Schauspiel Leipzig (1997-1999), Staatstheater Kassel (1999-2001), Theater Basel (2001-2006), Schauspiel Frankfurt (2006-2009) and Schauspiel Hannover (2009-2013). In 2013, Stadelmann joined the ensemble of the Deutsche Schauspielhaus in Hamburg.
In addition to his stage career, Aljoscha Stadelmann regularly appears in film and TV productions. Among his notable TV credits are Stefan Krohmer's tragicomedy "Riskante Patienten" (2012) and Hermine Huntgeburth's "Eine Hand wäscht die andere" (2012). On the big screen, he was seen in Olivier Assayas's acclaimed thriller "Carlos – Der Schakal" (2010) and Lars Kraume's "Die kommenden Tage" ("The Days to Come", 2010). After a string of supporting roles in "Der ganz große Traum" ("Lessons of a Dream", 2011), "Über uns das All" ("Above Us Only Sky", 2011) and "Das kleine Gespenst" ("The Little Ghost", 2013), Stadelmann was the male lead in the scathing satire "Freiland" (2013).