Olaf Schubert
Olaf Schubert is a character created by comedian Michael Haubold, who uses it as his stage persona. It remains unclear which parts of the character's biography stem directly from Haubold's life.
Olaf Schubert was born in Plauen (then part of the GDR) on November 6, 1967. Already at a young age, he learned to play the flute and to paint. He went on to study architecture and music in Berlin and Minsk, and in the spring of 1989, he took part in the civil marches that eventually led to the downfall of the GDR.
In 1993, he became the drummer of the rock group Dekadance, and in late 1994, he began to perform as a singer-songwriter. Moreover, he guested on TV and on the radio. In 1995, Schubert released his debut album "Hier bin ich!". In 2001, he received the Cabinet award for his stage show "Echte Menschen!". The same year, he became a frequent guest on the TV stand-up comedy formats "Quatsch Comedy Club" (Pro7) and "Nightwash" (Comedy Central).
Since 2009, Olaf Schubert is a regular cast member of the popular TV comedy "heute-show" (ZDF). In addition to this, he starred in his own show "Olaf TV - Von Schubert zu Mensch" (3Sat/ZDFKultur), which ran from 2010 until 2013 and was followed by "Olaf verbessert die Welt" (2014/15, MDR/ARD). He also continued his stage career, and has released more than a dozen albums and DVDs. Schubert's performance is characterized by his distinct Saxon accent, in which he preferably talks about very serious issues while deliberately misusing terms, and his iconic, all-too-tight sweater vest.
Over the years, he has garnered numerous accolades, including the Thüringer Kleinkunstpreis in 2005 and the Deutsche Comedypreis (2013) and the Bavarian Cabaret Award (Music Award) in 2018. Following a cameo in the feature film "Elsterglanz und der Schlüssel für die Weibersauna" (2016), Olaf Schubert starred in the comedy "Schubert in Love - Vater werden ist (nicht) schwer, which was tailor-made for his character.
In the following years he took on further sporadic film roles: as the boss of Eko Fresh's character in the musician and neighborhood comedy "Verpiss dich, Schneewittchen" (2018) and as a chemistry teacher in the children's film "Alfons Zitterbacke - Das Chaos ist zurück" ("Alfons Zitterbacke", 2019). He played a leading role in Heike Fink's award-winning comedy "Olaf Jagger" (2022), in which Schubert tries to find out if he might be Mick Jagger's son.