Udo Beissel was born in Dueren in 1961 and first started work at TFC in 1989. He has been involved in the production of TFC productions like "Der kleene Punker", the RTL series "Die Ottifanten", and "Felidae", and teamed up with Schaack to direct "Werner - Das muss kesseln!!!". Michael Schaack was born in Hamburg in 1957 and is a graduate of the Academy of Television & Film (HFF/M) in Munich. After his studies, he founded the one-man animation studio Trickompany in 1982, later becoming Trickompany Filmproduktion GmbH (TFC) in 1989. He experienced his baptism of fire on the production of a major animated film as one of the directors of Werner – "Beinhart" (1990). His work on the WDR TV series about the little punk Amadeus led to the making of the feature film "Der kleene Punker" in 1992, and his animated adaptation of the best-selling novel "Felidae" in 1994. Apart from co-directing "Werner - Das muss kesseln!!!", Schaack and TFC have worked on numerous feature-length animated films, including "Pippi Langstrumpf" and "Das kleine Arschloch" as well as the TV series "Loggerheads".
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH