All Pictures (5)Biography
Thomas Frickel was born in 1954 and studied German Literature, Journalism and Sociology. He has been an author and director of short films, TV programs and feature-length documentaries since 1974 and became the chairman and general manager of the association of independent documentary filmmakers, arbeitsgemeinschaft dokumentarfilm (ag dok), in 1987. He was also a founding member and on the board of European Documentary Network (EDN).
His films include: "No Runway West" ("Keine Startbahn West", 1982), "Battlefield Tour" ("Schlachtenbummel", 1989), "The Troublemaker" ("Der Stoerenfried", 1992), "Heal Hitler" ("Heilt Hitler", 1996), "Codename: Dennis" ("Deckname: Dennis", 1997), "Goethe Light" (2002) and "Die Mondverschwoerung" (2010).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH