Raimund Wallisch attended drama school at Scuola Teatro Dimitri, a drama school in Verscio, Switzerland. Wallisch then performed for two years at Vienna’s Burgtheater and in free theatre groups in Italy and in Austria. In 2001, Wallisch set up the theatre group "Muunkompanie" and toured Austria and Switzerland with the group. Wallisch made his movie debut in 2004 in a leading role in Michael Glawogger’s film "Nacktschnecken" (2004).
Besides occasional minor TV roles, he starred in a leading role in the comedic Austrian TV crime series "Vier Frauen und ein Todesfall". In the hyped-up stoner road movie "Contact High", a sequel loosely based on the adventures of the two main protagonists of "Nacktschnecken", Wallisch again starred in a film directed by Michael Glawogger in 2009.