Passi Balende

Brazzaville, Kongo


Passi Balende was born on December 21, 1972 in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. In 1979, the family moved to Sarcelles in the suburbs of Paris. In 1988, he and a school friend founded the band Ministère AMER, which released a first album in 1992. In 1995, the group was involved in the soundtrack of the hugely successful banlieu drama "La Haine" ("Hate").

In view of his success as a musician, Passi Balende abandoned his studies in agricultural sciences in Paris to concentrate entirely on his hip-hop career. In 1997 he released his first, very successful solo album. Other albums as a solo artist followed. Passi also recorded more songs and albums with Ministère AMER and other artists. He also produced several compilation albums.

In addition to his music, he appeared very occasionally as an actor. His first leading role was in the German production "Le Prince" (2021), as a shady Congolese businessman who starts a relationship with a woman from the local art scene in Frankfurt, which is met with prejudice and mistrust in their environment.


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