Norbert Kueckelmann was born in 1930 in Munich and studied Law in Munich and Mainz. During his time as a legal intern, he also worked as a writer and film critic for various radio stations. He has had his own law practice since 1958. In 1965, he co-founded the Kuratorium junger deutscher Film together with Alexander Kluge and Hans Rolf Strobel. He is co-owner of the production company FFAT with Peter Lilienthal. He directed his first feature film "Die Sachverstaendigen in 1972".
His other films include: "Die Schiessuebung" (TV, 1974), "Die Angst ist ein zweiter Schatten" (1975), "Die letzten Tage der Kindheit" (1979), "Man Under Suspicion" ("Morgen in Alabama", 1984), "Schweinegeld" (1988), "Abgetrieben" (TV, 1992), "Alle haben geschwiegen" (TV, 1996), "Portrait of a Judge" ("Portrait eines Richters", TV, 1997), "Verlorene Kinder" (TV, 1999), and "Ich hab es nicht gewollt - Anatomie eines Mordfalles" (TV, 2002).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH