Markus Busch was born in Münster in 1965. From 1985 on, he studied art and film at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, and went on to receive degrees in both subjects. After graduation, he enrolled as a film and television major at the Kunsthochschule für Medien in Cologne. From 1997 on, Busch worked as a freelancing author for film and television.
Among his work are several scripts for films directed by Dominik Graf, including "Bittere Unschuld" (1999, TV), "Der Felsen" ("A Map of the Heart", 2002), "Das Gelübde" ("The Vow", 2007, TV) and "Komm' mir nicht nach" ("Don't Follow Me Around", 2011, TV). In 2011, Busch made his directorial debut with the drama "Die Räuberin", the story of a woman in her forties who falls in love with a teenager, which he also wrote. Busch's script was subsequently short-listed for the German Screenplay Award.