Lisa Violetta Gass was born in 1984 in Bingen. She has gained experience as an assistant director at the Hessian State Theater in Wiesbaden and on various projects at the German Film & Television Academy, and completed internships at the public broad casters SFB1 and RBB and an editing traineeship. She then studied Directing from 2006-2009 at the ifs internationale filmschule in Cologne. Her films include the shorts: "Warten" (2004), "Italienische Gaerten" (documentary, 2004), "Linen" (documentary, 2006), "treiben" (documentary, 2007), "Lebensmuede" (2007), "Einfach sein" (documentary, 2008), "freiSpielen" (2008), "limpID" (2008), and "Gisberta" (2009).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH