Julian Benedikt

Cast, Director, Screenplay, Producer


Julian Benedikt was born in 1963 and studied French and German at the Sorbonne in Paris as well as Classical Music (flute and saxophone) in Detmold and Frankfurt. He worked as an associate producer for advertising films, documentaries and feature films in Germany, France and the US from 1985 and also appeared as an actor in films by Rudolf Thome ("Love At First Sight", 1992), "Roseline Delacour" ("High Tension", 1994) and "Dodine Herry" ("Je n"en ferai pas un drame", 1995) and for television in "Cognacq – Jay" for the cultural broadcaster ARTE in 1993. He has written and directed the documentaries "Chico Hamilton - Dancing to a Different Drummer" (1993/94), "Voodoo Chile - The Music of Jimi Hendrix" (1995), "Blue Note - A Story of Modern Jazz" (1996) - winner of the C.I.C.A.E Award for Best Film in 1997, as well as the Vision Award and the Peabody Award in 1998), and Jazz Seen (2001).

Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH



  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Producer
  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Producer
  • Executive producer
  • Director
  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Interviews