Guenter Knarr was born in Helmbrechts in 1955 and studied Theater and German at the Free University in Berlin. He attended the 4th Berlin Screenplay Workshop in 1990 and won the Marlboro Film Division"s Film Prize for Writers for "Die netten Moerder von nebenan". He has written the following screenplays (partly with co-author Philipp Weinges): "Magic Mueller" (dir: Thomas Bohn, 1993), "Japanese Are Better Lovers" ("Japaner sind die besseren Liebhaber", dir: Philipp Weinges, 1994), "Holgi" (1998), "Erkan & Stefan" (1998), "Nick Knatterton" (1999), "Sexmachines" (1999), and "Der Enkel des Paten" (1999), "Erkan & Stefan" (2000) and "Erkan & Stefan gegen die Maechte der Finsternis" (2002).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH