All Pictures (11)Biography
Fabian Halbig, born December 23, 1992, in Dillingen an der Donau, became a member of the three-person teenage rock band "Killerpilze" already at the age of ten years. The band published their debut album "Invasion der Killerpilze" in 2006. One year later, the band presented their follow-up album "Mit Pauken und Raketen". In 2009, Halbig made his debut as an actor: In the remake of the film version of the classic teenage novel "Die Vorstadtkrokodile" ("The Crocodiles"), he plays the paraplegic boy Kai. Halbig takes up the role again in the film"s sequel "Die Vorstadtkrokodile 2" that opens in cinemas in early 2010.