Eva Gerberding

Director, Screenplay


Eva Gerberding studied Slavonic studies, history and art history in Hamburg. She then began to work as a journalist for radio and magazines. During numerous trips to Russia she was able to establish close contacts to the cultural scene of Moscow and St. Petersburg and made a name for herself as a specialist for Russia. 

In 1998, Gerberding also began working for television. For public broadcasters such as WDR, NDR, 3Sat and Arte she produced numerous reportages and documentaries, mostly on cultural and social topics. Her documentary film "92 Quadratmeter Rußland - Eine Kommunalka in St. Petersburg" (2004) won first prize in the 'Temática Urbana' competition at the Barcelona Film Festival. In her TV productions, Gerberding frequently has been collaborating with André Schäfer, for example on "Hauptsache Kaviar" (2004), "Der Auktionator - Simon de Pury" (2008), "Die Romanows" (2013) and "Die Große Literatour - Joseph Roths Russland" (2016). Other TV works by her include "Ich verzeihe nichts - Frauen im Gulag" (2012), "Hotelconcierges: Berlin, Moscow, Paris" (2013) and "F.C. Gundlach - Der Meister der Modephotographie" (2017). 

In addition, Gerberding has written numerous travel books, for example on St. Petersburg, the Baltic States, Moscow and literary Grand Hotels of Switzerland. Together with Evelyn Holst, she wrote the humorously provocative, highly acclaimed non-fiction book "Wer sagt, dass Kinder glücklich machen" (2012); under the same title, the two also produced a TV reportage (2013).  

At the Nordic Film Days Lübeck 2018, Gerberding presented her second cinema documentary film: "Auch Leben ist eine Kunst - Der Fall Max Emden" (again co-directed by André Schäfer), about the life and work of the German Jewish textile entrepreneur and department store pioneer Max Emden (1874-1940) and the art treasures stolen from his family by the Nazis. In April 2019 the film was released in German cinemas.