Clarissa Ruge

Director, Screenplay


Clarissa Ruge was born in 1969 and studied Political Science, Philosophy, Communication Sciences and Journalism in Munich. She writes for numerous leading German newspapers and is also the author of the non-fiction book "Media Moguls, Opinion Makers, Dominators of the Market" with Franz Kotteder. Her other films include: the television films "Color of Truth" ("Die Farbe der Wahrheit", 1998), "Violence, Survival" ("Gewalt, Ueberleben", 1999), and "I Am Proud to Be German - A Scientific Approach" ("Ich bin stolz ein Deutscher zu sein - Annaeherung der Wissenschaft", 1999), and "A Woman And A Half - Hildegard Knef" (2001).

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH