Carmen Belaschk

Director, Screenplay


Carmen Elena Belaschk studied music journalism for radio and multimedia at the University of Music in Karlsruhe from 2009 to 2012. During this time, she gained her first practical experience in radio and television. In 2012, she filmed the 30-minute documentary ''The Sound of Ghana'' as a one-woman team over a period of two and a half months.   

After completing her bachelor's degree, Belasck began working for the Leipzig-based production company Accentus Music GmbH, initially as an assistant director on several music documentaries, such as ''Musik - Eine Reise fürs Leben. Der Dirigent Riccardo Chailly" (2014, TV) and "Satiesfiktionen - Spaziergänge mit Erik Satie" (2014, TV).  

From 2015 to 2017, she completed a master's degree in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin. In addition, she remained active for Accentus: In co-direction with Günter Atteln, she realized the TV documentary "Der Klavierspieler aus Jarmuk" in 2015. At the International Television Festival Golden Prague 2016, the film won the Grand Prix. Together with Atteln, she also made the documentary "Wenn der Abend den Morgen trifft – Eine Reise zur Musik der Balten" (2018).  

In 2019, Carmen Belaschk began working on the documentary feature "Mary Bauermeister - Eins und Eins ist Drei," about the influential but largely forgotten artist Mary Bauermeister. After a screening at the Munich DOK.fest 2021, the film was released in German theaters in fall 2021.