Born in Pécs on 21.7.1955, he first made amateur films at the age of sixteen, later joining Béla Balázs film studio in Budapest and studying at the College of Film and Theatre. In 1984 he began working with writer László Krasznahorkai; Tarr’s seven-anda-half hour adaptation of his novel "Sátántangó" received its premiere in the Berlinale’s Forum section in 1994. A visiting lecturer at the German Film and Television Academy (dffb) in Berlin, he last part in the Berlinale in 2001 with "Die Werckmeisterschen Harmonien" ("Werckmeister Harmóniák"), and 2011 with "Das Turiner Pferd" ("The Turin Horse"). In 2013, he founded the film school film.factory at the Sarajevo School for Science and Technology (SSST).
Source: Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin