Die blinde Kuh
The video shows the first five minutes of the film.
Film synopsis: Berlin - On 23 May 1994, there was an awful goof in several transmission areas of First German Television. At 20.00 on the dot, a swastika, the station logo of the "Grossdeutscher Bildfunk" had appeared for a short time on millions of screens instead of the Tagesschau.
An old man spoke some confused sentences and an excited young researcher claimed that the history of German technology had to be rewritten. The circumstances of this "fluke transmission" have remained in the dark until now. Nevertheless, it is known that the mysterious ghostly images were supposed to have originated from the catacombs of a Russian garrison in Brandenburg. From there, they must have been fed via a military satellite into the TV network of Deutsche Telekom! There is a persistent rumour going around that a film team has long been on the tracks of a secret media plot which is quite clearly linked to the "Tagesschau scandal".
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH