Fucking City

BR Deutschland 1981/1982 Spielfilm
05:38 min
Production company
Lothar Lambert Filmproduktion (Berlin)
Rights statement
Deutsche Kinemathek

The video shows the first five minutes of the film.

Film synopsis: Helga, Rüdiger and Kurt live in Berlin. All three are looking for a change from their unfulfilled sex life. Kurt is trying to gain a foothold in his professional life and is looking for love that his partners don't give him, because they only care about sex. Then he gets a visit from his little sister Klara, who has fled village life in Hitzacker to Berlin. At Kurt's suggestion, the couple Helga and Rüdiger look for guest workers to get involved with them. As an amateur filmmaker, Rüdiger wants to finally make his first own film - definitely something with action, sex and violence. Helga is the often reluctant leading actress in his project.