Mädchen in Uniform
Verleih analog
- Deutsche Kinemathek- Museum für Film und Fernsehen
- Kirch Media
- Bundesarchiv - Filmarchiv
- Kinorechte vertreten durch DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Verleih digital
- DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
- Bundesbeauftragte/r für Kultur und Medien (BKM) (2012-19)
DVD/ Blu-Ray
Biografie Leontine Sagan, Fotogalerie, Gespräch mit Hertha Thiele (PDF), Essay: Liebe als Opposition, Opposition als Liebe - Gedanken über Hertha Thiele (PDF), Trailershow
Audio commentary by film historian Jenni Olson; Women and Sexuality in Weimar Cinema (2021, 12 mins): a new video essay by film critic Chrystel Oloukoï; The Kiss - The Women Who Made a Movie Masterpiece (selected episodes, 2020, 108 mins): writer and journalist Bibi Berki takes us through the making of 'Mädchen in Uniform' and explores the exceptional women who came together to make it in this podcast by Tempest Productions; A selection of treasures from the BFI National Archive to charm and delight: 'Tilly and the Fire Engines' (c1910, 2 mins), 'Hints and Hobbies No.11- Hints to the Ladies on Jiu-Jitsu' (1926, 4 mins), 'Day at St. Christopher's College and School' (1920, 18 mins), '4 and 20 Fit Girls' (1940, 11 mins); FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Illustrated booklet with new writing by So Mayer, Chrystel Oloukoï, Bibi Berki, Henry K Miller and Sarah Wood