Marie Miyayama

Cast, Director, Screenplay, Editing, Location manager
Tokio, Japan


Marie Miyayama, born 1972 in Tokyo, Japan, studied creative writing and film at the Waseda University in Tokyo. In 1995, she went to Germany and started to study theatre studies at Munich’s Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität. In 1998, she went to Munich’s Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film (HFF) and started to study directing. During her studies she finished several short and documentary films that deal with intercultural topics. In 2008, Miyayama made her feature film debut with the multiple award-winning drama "Der Rote Punkt" ("The Red Spot"), a drama that takes place in Germany and in Japan.

  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Editing
  • Location manager
  • Participation
  • Director
  • Screenplay
  • Editing