Rolf Schuebel was born in Stuttgart in 1942. He studied Literature and Sociology in Tuebingen and Hamburg and has been making films since 1968. A selection of his films includes: "Red Flags Can Be Seen Better" ("Rote Fahnen sieht man besser", documentary, 1971), "Obituary for a Beast" ("Nachruf auf eine Bestie", documentary, 1983), "The Red Indian" ("Der Indianer", documentary, 1987), "The Homesickness of Walerjan Wrobel" ("Das Heimweh des Walerjan Wrobel", 1989), "Mortal Enemies - Dying and Survival in Stalingrad" ("Todfeinde - Vom Sterben und Ueberleben in Stalingrad", documentary, 1993), "2 1/2 Minutes" (TV, 1997), "Gloomy Sunday" ("Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod", 1999) and "Blueprint" (2003), among others.
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH