Quelle: Senator, DIF
"Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Source: Senator Film Verleih, DFF
Louis Klamroth (left) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Peter Lohmeyer, Louis Klamroth, Sascha Göpel (left to right) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Louis Klamroth, Johanna Gastdorf, Mirko Lang, Birthe Wolter (third to sixth from left) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Louis Klamroth in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Louis Klamroth, Sascha Göpel (left to right) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Louis Klamroth, Peter Lohmeyer (left to right) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Louis Klamroth, Johanna Gastdorf (left to right) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Mirko Lang, Louis Klamroth (left to right) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Louis Klamroth, Peter Lohmeyer (front, left to right) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Sascha Göpel, Louis Klamroth (left to right) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Peter Lohmeyer, Louis Klamroth (left to right) in "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Louis Klamroth, Sönke Wortmann (left to right) while shooting "Das Wunder von Bern" (2003)
Quelle: DIF
German movie poster of "Das Wunder von Bern" (2002/03)