Enzi Fuchs, Simon Schwarz, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Sebastian Bezzel (back left to right), Luis Sosnowski, Eisi Gulp (front left to right) in "Guglhupfgeschwader" (2022)
Luis Sosnowski, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Enzi Fuchs, Gerhard Wittman, Chi Le (front left to right), Sebastian Bezzel (back second from right) in "Kaiserschmarrndrama" (2020)
Tom Schilling, Lisa Maria Potthoff, Valentina Lodovini, Benno Fürmann, Karoline Herfurth, Michael Gwisdek (left to right) while shooting "Pornorama oder Die Bekenntnisse der mannstollen Näherin Rita Brauchts" (2007)