All Pictures (2)Biography
Lotte Reiniger was born in 1899 in Berlin and died in 1981. A trained silhouette artist, she entered the film business with Paul Wegener"s "Rattenfaenger von Hameln" (1918). With her numerous shorts, she created the new genre of silhouette films. "The Adventures of Prince Achmed" ("Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed", 1923-1926) was the result of three years of work and became the first animated feature in film history. A selection of her other films include: "Cinderella" ("Aschenputtel", 1922), three parts of "Dr. Dolittle and His Animals" ("Dr. Dolittle und seine Tiere", 1928), "Harlequin" (1931), "Carmen" (1933), "Papageno (1935), The Gallant Little Tailor (Das tapfere Schneiderlein, 1954), The Grasshopper and the Ant" ("Der Heuschreck und die Ameise", 1954), "Jack and the Beanstalk" (1955), "The Lost Son" ("Der verlorene Sohn", 1974), and "Aucassin and Nicolette" (1976).
Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH