On February 19, 2020 a right-wing terrorist murdered nine people in Hanau: Said Nesar Hashemi, Hamza Kenan Kurtović, Ferhat Unvar, Sedat Gürbüz, Fatih Saraçoğlu, Gökhan Gültekin, Vili Viorel Păun, Mercedes Kierpacz und Kaloyan Velkov. To this day, relatives and survivors have been searching for an explanation for the racist attack.
Filmmaker Julian Vogeldraws a portrait of three affected families between anger, sadness and determination for justice and consequences. The trilogy Einzeltäter is dedicated to the victims of the attacks in Munich (2016), Halle (2019) and Hanau.
Among others with Armin, Dijana and Karim Kurtović, Çetin Gültekin and Serpil Temiz Unvar.
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