Herz der Welt (1951/1952) - Filmanfang

Production company
NDF Neue Deutsche Filmgesellschaft mbH (München-Geiselgasteig)
Rights statement
DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

The video shows the first five minutes of the film.

Film synopsis: Filmic biography of the author and Nobel Peace Prize winner Bertha von Suttner whose novel "Die Waffen nieder" (1899) had caused a stir throughout the world and won over wide sections of the population for the pacifist movement. During a trip on the train from Berlin to Vienna in 1914, von Suttner remembers several stages of her life: starting out as a governess, Suttner studied music and several languages, became a correspondent and founded the "Österreichische Gesellschaft der Friedensfreunde" in 1891. Later, Suttner also became the vice president of "Internationales Friedensbureau" in Bern and initiated the endowment of the Nobel Peace prize which was awarded to her in 1905.