SIEMENS / Bildmeister "Jahreszeiten" [Archivtitel]
Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): SIEMENS / Bildmeister "Jahreszeiten": On the screen of a TV set, first text: „Evening after evening, year after year after year, color TV sets Siemens Bildmeister.“ Color picture on TV of a bench and a tree at changing seasons. Brilliant color picture, undisturbed reception, maximum ease of use. „Siemens Bildmeister live a long time. Top technology vouches for it - only in good specialized trade.“//
Spot Nr. 2 (01:11): SUNLICHT "Freundinnen": A woman looks at a wine glass up close. To her friend, „But your glasses are clean, unfortunately mine are not.“ She advises her to try the new Sunlicht with enhanced grease dissolving power. The two stand at the sink, one showing the other the effectiveness of Sunlicht using a shiny presentation plate. Product package. „Great quality, small price.“ //
Spot Nr. 3 (01:59): QUARK AUS BAYERN "Sportlerin": Red-haired girl with braids (Pippi Longstocking type), a towel and sports shoes over her shoulders. She grabs her biceps and describes herself as „an athlete and a curd eater. Grabs a jar of layered quark and spoons from it. „Quark from Bavaria.“ //
Spot Nr. 4 (02:09): JOGHURT AUS BAYERN "Mannequin": Mannequin in an eccentric dress with feather boa. Describes herself as a yogurt fan, takes out a yogurt pot and spoons from it. „Yogurt from Bavaria.“ //
Spot Nr. 5 (02:19): SPORT TOTO GMBH, Stgt. "SPIEL 77 / JA-Feld": A yes box is checked - on a lottery ticket. A smiling man has made the cross and points to a mountain of money that he can therefore win.“That's why I play Game 77, the extra game with extra chances on Toto, Lotto, Racing Quintet.“ //
Spot Nr. 6 (02:54): KRUPS "Kaffeeautomat": Two women in the kitchen: „Do you have a new coffee machine?“ Krups T10 Combi coffee maker with height-adjustable arm, filters not only into the accompanying glass pitcher, but also directly into the serving or thermos jug. „Krups has just thought of everything.“ //
Spot Nr. 7 (03:27): DRESDNER BANK "3 Jungens": Animation of a green ribbon. Three boys arrive at three different solutions for their math homework and seek expert advice from an employee at a branch of Dresdner Bank. He does the math and comes up with a fourth solution, which turns out to be the right one. „Dresdner Bank. With the green ribbon of sympathy.“ //
Spot Nr. 8 (04:18): TRIMM AKTION 8 "Radfahren": Cartoon: A family goes on a cycling trip. One by one, they describe the benefits of cycling and the positive effects of exercise in the fresh air. „A smart one trims endurance,“ they say. „The joy of it lasts longer.“ Logo. German Sports Federation. //
Spot Nr. 9 (05:13): WELLA AG. "Wellaform": A woman in a hair store. She looks around. A man enters the store. The woman and the man reach for the same pack of Wellaform at the same time. He lets her go first. The man in front of the mirror using the product. French sound. //
Spot Nr. 10 (05:48): LBS/ÖBS "Volkslauf": Male and female runners warming up for a race. On a banner, next to LBS, is the phrase „Make the race now.“ With a start whistle, everyone runs off. Their route runs along a body of water. „Come to us, to Landes Bausparkasse.“ //
Spot Nr. 11 (06:14): MÄRKLIN "Eisenbahn HO": Children playing with trains. A Märklin H 0 railroad can be seen, the children comment on the scenes from off-screen. „Get on the Märklin H 0. Railroad has right of way.“ Logo. //
Spot Nr. 12 (06:48): DRESDNER BANK "Bauer": Animation of a green ribbon. In a cutout, a man in a suit. He greets in standard German an older gentleman in traditional dress. The latter explains in Bavarian dialect that he has sold a property and now wants to invest his money. The bank employee advises him, now also in Bavarian dialect. They say goodbye and a woman comes to the counter. The bank employee greets her and asks how he can help - but in dialect. The woman does not understand him. He corrects himself and asks again in standard German. Freeze frame of the two at the counter, logo animation: „Dresdner Bank. With the green ribbon of sympathy.“ //
Spot Nr. 13 (07:38): ZYLISS "Fleischwolf": „Zig-Zig-Zyliss“ A man demonstrates the use of the Zyliss meat grinder complete with drum grater attachment. Slogan in onomatopoeic reference to another appliance from the same company, a shredder for onions, nuts and other foods. //
Spot Nr. 14 (08:11): DAS "Ganz Europa": Superimposed text white on blue background: „Do you know who is there for you with its own claims service and trusted lawyers throughout Europe?“ DAS badge. „That's right, DAS. Europe's big legal protection organization.“ //
Spot Nr. 15 (08:30): TETRA PAK / CIFF "Fruchtgetränke": A cowboy rides across the prairie. Exhausted by the heat, he refreshes himself with Sunkist Ciff from a glass bottle, with a built-in bottle opener. „Ciff - the other sip.“ //
Spot Nr. 16 (09:03): SOMAT / Henkel & Cie. "Gläser": Two shiny clean wine glasses on a dining table, happy music. One of them is exchanged for a stained one, dramatic music. The stained and streaky glass is exchanged for a pack of Somat, happy music again. Giveaway of 100 pairs of glasses with winners' personal monograms engraved on them. „Somat brings shine. Without stains.“ //
Spot Nr. 17 (09:39): ALLIANZ "Hebebühne": A red car with accident damage is brought up from the lift. Male voice: „Mrs. Schneider was quite excited when she brought the car. And now it's none of her business, because she's fully insured with Allianz.“ The car is driven back down repaired. „If anyone is fast, it's Allianz.“ A woman drives the car out of the workshop. Logo. „Hopefully Allianz insured.“ //
Spot Nr. 18 (10:15): DSK-BANK "Bank": A young man in a white suit, colorful tie and briefcase in front of a DSK Bank branch. Speaking in a Bavarian accent: „Since I have a steady job, I have a steady bank. In Munich DSK Bank - logical.“ //
Spot Nr. 19 (10:24): DSK-BANK "Goldrausch": A young man in a cowboy outfit at the Roider-Jackl fountain at Munich's Viktualienmarkt. Spoken in a Bavarian accent: „Gold rush. When it hits me, I'll go to the DSK Bank and buy coins. In Munich DSK Bank - logical.“ //
Spot Nr. 20 (10:36): DSK-BANK "Hängematte": A young man in everyday clothes and a flower in his mouth swings in a hammock.Spoken in a Bavarian accent: „I'm just letting work, my money in the DSK savings account. In Munich DSK Bank - logical.“ //
Spot Nr. 21 (10:45): B&B Koffie Melk "Kleines Dröpje": Cows in a pasture in front of windmills in Holland. Logo animation. A „little Dröpje“ drips from a can of B&B into a cup of coffee, seen in cross-section. „Little dröpje B&B, big class in coffee.“ (sung) //
Spot Nr. 22 (11:19): SPIEL 77 "Extra-Bonbon": Animation of a candy from which a red car is unwrapped. „The extra candy from Game 77.“ Still: a woman in a red car drives by and says through the window „ all lottery offices.“ Still image of a matchbox car wrapped in clear candy paper, clues to the promotion period. //
Spot Nr. 23 (11:43): SILIT-Werke "Thermoplatte": A woman serves in a bourgeois parlor (black and white, silent movie aesthetic and music). She keeps tripping over a cable. „No more cable mess at the table. Silit has the new thermal plate with no cord, no plug.“ Demonstrating how to use it (heat it up on the stove, turn it over, place it on the table). Logo. „Bon appétit with the beauties of Silit.“ //
Spot Nr. 24 (12:17): KODAK/EKTRA "Hände": Two hands against a black background present the Kodak Ektra camera with a folding grip support, which also serves as a camera protector when folded. „Ektra puts focus at your fingertips.“ //
Spot Nr. 25 (12:45): DALLMAYR "Prodomo": Elegant double doors open. View into a small separeé, all in white with coffee table set. Slow tracking shot on the product package. „Prodomo deserves the blue ribbon.“ //
Spot Nr. 26 (13:08): CMA "Wurst": „German meat in focus“, heard: Fanfare. Live action: a family sits in the garden at the table. Summerly platters of deli slices and sausages slowly come flying in. „Food from Germany: the rich table of good sausage.“ Brand quality seal of approval. //
Spot Nr. 27 (13:33): SKL "Gewinnernte": A farmer in southern German costume „harvests“ banknotes. Profit harvest at the South German class lottery. The farmer drives away with a wooden cart full of bundles of money. „South German Class Lottery. The winning lot.“ //
Spot Nr. 28 (13:58): THURN & TAXIS "BIER": Company signs THURN and TAXIS. Slow pan on a beer glass with a foam crown, next to it a brown bottle. „As long as THURN and TAXIS exist, the world is still fine for us.“ //
Spot Nr. 29 (14:23): DRESDNER BANK "Zahnarzt": Animation of a green ribbon. In one clip, a dentist. His patient is an employee of Dresdner Bank. During treatment, the doctor asks him about a loan to expand his practice. But since he is unable to articulate, the consultation takes place a little later in the bank. Freeze frame of the bank employee, logo animation: „Dresdner Bank. With the green ribbon of sympathy.“ //
Spot Nr. 30 (15:14): DEUTSCHE BUNDESBAHN "Tante Gertrud": Aunt Gertrud is traveling by train and gets on the nerves of her fellow passengers in the compartment a bit. To her astonishment, the godson who greets her on the platform after the ride has grown up quite a bit compared to the old children's photo of him. DB logo. „The preferential ticket: an excellent train of the railroad.“ //
Spot Nr. 31 (15:49): DEUTSCHE BUNDESBAHN "TIS": Alternating lightning-fast passing train tracks and relaxed train passengers. Deutsche Bundesbahn. Start for TIS = Top Intercity Express. Exterior shot of a train passing through the green landscape. DB logo: „We're doing something.“ //