Ford 17 m / 2 [Archivtitel]

BR Deutschland 1966 Werbefilm
Werbefilm in Kompilation ansehen
14:32 min
Production company
Insel-Film GmbH (München)
Rights statement
DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum

Spot Nr. 1 (00:36): NSU (Nr. 1 Beschleunigung in der Stadt): Drawing: cars waiting at traffic lights. „The traffic light fascinates the masses. We wait quietly and calmly. And whizzed away at the green. Blessed is he who owns a Prinz!“ (slogan). Then as a live action film: an NSU Prinz hangs off a Mercedes bus at the start of the traffic light. //

Spot Nr. 2 (01:10): NSU (Nr. 2 Parken und Rundumsicht): Drawing: man and woman with annoyed facial expressions in a large road cruiser. They are having trouble finding a parking space. Live action: a parking lot from above. A man drives up in a big car, realizes the parking space is too small, behind him comes an NSU Prinz that fits easily into the parking space. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 3 (01:42): NSU (Nr. 3 Einfache Wartung): Drawing: four men are working hard on a sports car in the workshop. Live action: a woman with her NSU Prinz in the workshop. The mechanic manages alone without any problems. The woman then drives away waving. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 4 (02:15): NSU (Nr. 4 Sportliches Fahren): Drawing: an NSU Prinz is the first to cross the finish line. Live action: several views of the NSU Prinz driving through a city. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 5 (02:48): NSU (Nr. 5 Bremsen): Drawing: a bicyclist rides carelessly toward an intersection where a man in an NSU Prinz is waiting. Live action: the same scene. The good brakes of the NSU-Prinz prevent an accident with a cyclist. Insight into technical details of the brakes. A man drives by smiling in a Prinz. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 6 (03:20): NSU (Nr. 6 Sauberes Finish und Details): Logo animation. A woman looks into the exterior mirror while applying lipstick. Presentation of some details in the interior of the NSU Prinz. A female voice off-screen explains them. A smiling woman makes a pointing gesture next to an NSU Prinz. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 7 (03:51): NSU (Nr. 7 Geringe Reparaturkosten): Logo animation. A gas station attendant is filling up an NSU Prinz. The driver remarks, „The Prinz is amazingly economical, even though I drive over 100 all the time.“ Pictures of a drive on an almost empty highway. The gas station attendant adds that hardly any repairs are needed. „If there were only Prinzs, we could close up our store here!“ The man drives off with a friendly nodding gesture. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 8 (04:24): NSU (Nr. 8 Am Berg): Logo animation. Scenes of a hill climb, which the car handles effortlessly. „That's the Prinz, nimble as a weasel.“ The NSU Prinz whizzes past a man on foot with his pack mule. A man and woman wave from the Prinz as it passes. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 9 (04:57): NSU (Nr. 9 Kurvenlage): Logo animation. A woman drives a winding route with the NSU Prinz. „Two right, two left, the Prinz does it with his eyes closed, like grandma does her knitting.“ Point-of-view of the female driver overtaking a tractor: „Oops, a run, so to speak.“ The Prinz defies every overtaking and turning maneuver. The woman drives by smiling and waving. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 10 (05:30): NSU (Nr. 10 Stabile Karosserie): Logo animation. Showing the support of the rear wheels up into the roof that carries them along, and the unusually sturdy body. Cartoon animation looking inside the car. Views of an NSU Prinz driving on the road. „Blessed is he who owns a Prinz.“ //

Spot Nr. 11 (06:03): Ford Taunus 17 m: Exterior and interior shots of the Ford Taunus 17 m. „Far and wide - the new line of reason. The new Ford Taunus 17 m. Get in for a test drive.“ Driving scenes through a mountain landscape. Interior and seats: „wide, light and comfortable.“ Special features of the ventilation principle inside. A smoke ring exhausts through a gap. More powerful model type Taunus 20 m with V 6 cylinder engine in front of a villa and driving through a forest. „Format and fire from hood to tail.“ Ford company logo. //

Spot Nr. 12 (07:07): DKW F 12: Walking men's legs in patent leather shoes filmed from above. The Audi DWK F 12 on a rotating platform. Features inside and out are presented: Equipment, front-wheel drive, disc brakes, inspection only every 10-thousand kilometers. „A car that meets all your wishes as standard. DKW F 12, everything in it, everything on it.“ //

Spot Nr. 13 (07:43): DKW Junior De Luxe: Car transport by rail. A number of DKW Junior De Luxe cars make the journey to their new owners. Focus on individual cars to which is explained by voiceover who they will belong to and what the new owners are particularly excited about. „And here's mine!“ A man stands behind a DKW, his family sits in the car. „Plenty of room, economical, well-engineered front-wheel drive.“ The car drives down a street. Insertion of the Audi company logo. //

Spot Nr. 14 (08:20): Ford Taunus 12 m: Driving out of a tunnel. Interior view: „A spacious, economical car in which driving becomes a real pleasure.“ Driving views from the outside on a winding road, „sporty front-wheel drive,“ more performance demonstrations (V4 world record engine). Presentation of the car from all sides, parked on a coast. Logo animation. „A Ford keeps its word!“ //

Spot Nr. 15 (08:54): Ford 17 m / 1: Interior and exterior shots of the Ford Taunus 17 m. „Get in for a test drive.“ Interior and seats: „inside far and wide.“ Driving scenes through a mountain landscape. Special features of the ventilation principle. A smoke ring exhausts through a gap. Another driving view in the mountains. „Comfortable, fast and economical. Ford Taunus 17 m.“ Logo animation. „A Ford keeps its word!“ //

Spot Nr. 16 (09:29): Ford Cortina: Using binoculars to find a „picture-perfect car that's tough as nails.“ The new Ford Cortina. Exterior and interior views. Driving on a country road. First, driver with sunglasses alone, then five in the car: „Five people can feel comfortable here.“ Various driving views through rough terrain and on a mountain road. Logo animation. „A Ford keeps its word!“ //

Spot Nr. 17 (10:04): Ford 17 m / 2: A catamaran (double-hulled boat) at sea is compared to the Ford 17 m on the road. Far out wheels and large tires as the basis for cornering safety. The catamaran and the Ford 17 m meet. Three women wave from the boat, a man and a woman next to the Ford wave back. Logo animation. „A Ford keeps its word!“ //

Spot Nr. 18 (10:40): Ford Cortina: Using binoculars to look for a „picture-perfect family car that's tough as nails.“ The Ford Cortina. Exterior and interior views. Driving on a country road. First, driver with sunglasses alone, then five in the car. Various driving views through rough terrain and on a mountain road. Many rally wins have proven the Cortina's durability. „A champion with a sense of family.“ Logo animation. „A Ford keeps its word!“ //

Spot Nr. 19 (11:15): Ford 12 m und 15 m:: A deserted open-plan office, café and a streetcar, open newspapers with Ford advertising everywhere. „There is now a Ford, for which it could be too late tomorrow: The White at a Special Offer Price.“ A crowd squeezes around and into the car. The white 12 m or the white 15 m. Both with many extras. Now 350 DM savings. Company logo. //

Spot Nr. 20 (11:51): Ford Taunus 17 m und 20 m: Two new ones from Ford: 17 m and 20 m. Interior and exterior shots. Driving scenes, filmed from inside, on an airfield. Presentation of the engine. Demonstration of the maneuverability and cornering safety of the 17 m. Presentation of the broad-gauge landing gear and other details (windshield nozzles, ventilation, disc brakes). „Here stands its big brother, the Taunus 20 m.“ The car in front of a villa. Exterior views and description of the higher performance. Pass road drive in front of mountain scenery. Presentation of the engine. View of both cars, logo animation above. //