DRESDNER BANK "Reiter/Cowboy" [Archivtitel]
Spot Nr. 1 (00:37): VOLKSBANKEN "Lochkarte": A family photo is shown repurposed as a punch card. The stamps are reversed. With a zoom, the photo becomes a moving image showing the family happily together. Customers are never seen as punch cards, but always as people. Logo. „Volksbanken. We offer more than money and interest.“ //
Spot Nr. 2 (00:59): ALLIANZ "Indianer": Boys play „Indians“ in the garden and hide in a guilty conscience when Mr. Willken from Allianz appears and walks through the garden to their parents. „They know him, he lives in the neighborhood.“ It's about an education insurance for the two „Indians“. „This neighbor helps, so hopefully Allianz insured.“ //
Spot Nr. 3 (01:34): HYPOBANK "Hubschrauber": A bank consultant comes to his customers by helicopter, with him is a servant in livery. „You come to everyone who has not just any savings book, but the Hypobank savings book.“ The bank advisor stamps in the family's savings book. Hypobank logo. //
Spot Nr. 4 (02:10): HYPOBANK "Bergwerk": A bank advisor and his servant in livery are in a mine. They slide down, row an inflatable boat across an underground lake, and ride a train through the tunnel to a miner. They present him with the Hypobank payroll account. „With this, you'll have a big bank working for you. Free of charge.“ Hypobank logo. //
Spot Nr. 5 (02:47): VOLKSBANKEN "Sparschwein": A cash truck is unloaded in front of the bank. Many large bags of money go on the transport truck - and also a small piggy bank. „Give your money to the bank that pays great attention even to the small things.“ Logo. „Volksbanken. We offer more than money and interest.“ //
Spot Nr. 6 (03:11): RAIFFEISEN "Hund": A man goes to the bank in a bad mood. He is barked at by a dog in front of the bank and jostled at the entrance. The bank advisor welcomes, advises and serves him in a friendly manner. Afterwards he is in a good mood again and leaves the bank smiling. „The bank with the friendly service.“ //
Spot Nr. 7 (03:45): HYPOBANK "Privatkonto": Cartoon: A Eurocheque flies with a suit-wearing male on it as a flying carpet over architectural landmarks of various European cities. The male in a red rocking chair, behind him his sinking account balance. Despite an empty account, he is able to withdraw money for a new washing machine at the end of the month with the possibility to overdraw. „Hypobank. No bank will do more for you.“ //
Spot Nr. 8 (04:19): BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK "Markstück": Against a blue background, a 1 DM piece is viewed up close: Bavarian coat of arms, capital strength, service, performance. „Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale. The great bank for Bavaria's future.“ //
Spot Nr. 9 (04:52): BAYERISCHE VEREINSBANK "Geld ausleihen": A man goes to the bank. A lady at the counter leads him to a bank employee. The men shake hands. „We don't talk much, we don't ask much, at most: how much do you need?“ The man directly receives several 1000 and 500 DM bills. „Bayerische Vereinsbank. A bank that deserves your trust.“ //
Spot Nr. 10 (05:29): BAYERISCHE VEREINSBANK "Goldmünzen": Atmospheric organ music. Close-ups of gold and silver coins, gold bars, savings and mortgage bonds, and a savings book as gift ideas for Christmas. „Bayerische Vereinsbank. A bank that deserves your trust.“ //
Spot Nr. 11 (06:03): BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK "Kompass": A compass with a wiggling needle on a map of Bavaria. The needle finally points north, where the words „Bayern Bank“ appear on the compass. „Staying on course to reach the destination.“ The whole map visible, with a graphic of various economic sectors (industry, tourism, infrastructure) above it. Logo of Bayerische Landesbank Girozentrale. //
Spot Nr. 12 (06:38): BAYERISCHE VEREINSBANK "Baugeld" (Kopf): A man with a moustache in close-up. A male voice from off-camera addresses him, „Nice house, nice apartment, huh? You could have something like that.“ The man looks skeptical at first, then thoughtful. The voice goes on to explain the principle of Bayerische Vereinsbank's construction loan program. The man finally nods optimistically and smiles. „A bank that deserves your trust.“ //
Spot Nr. 13 (07:13): BAYERISCHE VEREINSBANK "Baby": A playful baby in the garden in close-up. A female voice off-camera addresses it, „I guess you know that Grandma has set up a savings account for you at Vereinsbank.“ The baby with a blue toy lion. The voice goes on to explain the principle of the savings book for children. „A bank that deserves your trust.“ //
Spot Nr. 14 (07:36): BAYERISCHE VEREINSBANK "Senioren": An elderly couple with a map in hand in close-up. A male voice from off-camera: „That's a good way to live, especially if you've got a little something on the high side, too.“ The couple first smiles in agreement, then looks questioningly. The voice explains ways to create an even better financial backstop for old age. „A bank that deserves your trust.“ //
Spot Nr. 15 (08:00): DSK-BANK "Bank": A young man in a white suit, colorful tie and briefcase in front of a DSK Bank branch. Spoken in a Bavarian accent: „Since I have a steady job, I have a steady bank. In Munich, DSK Bank - logical.“ Logo. //
Spot Nr. 16 (08:11): DSK-BANK "Goldrausch": A young man in a cowboy outfit at the Roider-Jackl fountain at Munich's Viktualienmarkt. Spoken in a Bavarian accent: „Gold rush. When it hits me, I'll go to the DSK Bank and buy coins. In Munich DSK Bank - logical.“ //
Spot Nr. 17 (08:20): DSK-BANK "Hängematte": A young man in everyday clothes and a flower in his mouth swings in a hammock. Spoken in a Bavarian accent: „I just let my money work, on the DSK savings account. In Munich DSK Bank - logical.“ //
Spot Nr. 18 (08:29): DSK-BANK "Baustelle": A young man in work clothes on a construction site. Spoken in a Bavarian accent: „My uncle is building, I'm helping him, me and the DSK loan. In Munich DSK Bank - logical.“ //
Spot Nr. 19 (08:40): DRESDNER BANK "Murmeln": Animation of a green ribbon. In a cutout two hands with marbles and 10 pennies. Three boys are playing with marbles in front of a bank branch. One of them goes into the bank and wants a „loan“ of 2 DM, repayable in 2 installments of 1 DM, which the employee also „grants“ him out of his own pocket. Freeze frame of the bank employee and boy, logo animation above. „Dresdner Bank. With the green ribbon of sympathy.“ //
Spot Nr. 20 (09:27): DRESDNER BANK "Reiter/Cowboy": Animation of a green ribbon. In a clip, a cowboy rides through Munich's city. The rider turns into Hofgartenstraße. He ties his horse to a parking meter in front of a Dresdner Bank branch, but has no change. The Dresdner Bank employee changes his bill into coins and puts three sugars on it for the horse, „even though he's not a customer at all.“ Freeze frame of the rider feeding his horse, logo animation above. „Dresdner Bank. With the green ribbon of sympathy.“ //
Spot Nr. 21 (10:17): DRESDNER BANK "Bauer": Animation of a green ribbon. In a clip, a man in a suit. He greets an older gentleman in traditional costume in standard German. The latter explains in Bavarian dialect that he has sold a property and now wants to invest his money. The bank employee advises him, now also in Bavarian dialect. They say goodbye and a woman comes to the counter. The bank employee greets her and asks how he can help - but in dialect. The woman does not understand him. He corrects himself and asks again in standard German. Freeze frame of the two at the counter, logo animation: „Dresdner Bank. With the green ribbon of sympathy.“ //
Spot Nr. 22 (11:06): DRESDNER BANK "Zahnarzt": Animation of a green ribbon. In a clip, a dentist. His patient is an employee of Dresdner Bank. During treatment, the doctor asks him about a loan to expand his practice. But since he is unable to articulate, the consultation takes place a little later in the bank. Freeze frame of the bank employee, logo animation: „Dresdner Bank. With the green ribbon of sympathy.“