Source: Warner Bros. Pictures Germany, DFF, © 2019 Pantaleon Films GmbH, 2112 Pictures, MACKNEXT GmbH & Co KG, Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH
Heiko Lochmann, Roman Lochmann (left to right) in "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures Germany, DFF, © 2019 Pantaleon Films GmbH, 2112 Pictures, MACKNEXT GmbH & Co KG, Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH, photo: Walter Wehner
Lisa-Marie Koroll, Roman Lochmann in "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Lisa-Marie Koroll, Luna Maxeiner, Alexandra Neldel (center, left to right) in "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020);
Roman Lochmann, Heiko Lochmann (left to right.) in "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures Germany, DFF, © 2019 Pantaleon Films GmbH, 2112 Pictures, MACKNEXT GmbH & Co KG, Warner Bros. Entertainment Gmb
Heiko Lochmann, Luna Maxeiner in "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures Germany, DFF, © 2019 Pantaleon Films GmbH, 2112 Pictures, MACKNEXT GmbH & Co KG, Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH, photo: Bernd Schuller
Heiko Lochmann, Thore Schölermann (left to right) in"Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Luna Maxeiner, Lisa-Marie Koroll, Roman Lochmann, Alexandra Neldel (v.l.n.r.) in"Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures Germany, DFF, © 2019 Pantaleon Films GmbH, 2112 Pictures, MACKNEXT GmbH & Co KG, Warner Bros. Entertainment GmbH, photo: Walter Wehne
Kai Wiesinger, Alexandra Neldel in "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Roman Lochmann, Heiko Lochmann (left to right) while shooting "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Florian Ross while shooting "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures Germany, DFF
German movie poster of "Takeover - Voll vertauscht" (2020)