Messter-Woche - Einzelsujets (1916)

Production company
Messter Film GmbH (Berlin)

Messter Week - individual subjects No. 51 [Archive Title]

Intertitle 1: Visit of Field Marshal August v. Mackensen to Constantinople. Departure from the train station and greeting of the guest by the people of Constantinople.

Intertitle 2: Field Marshal von Mackensen welcomes the officers of the General Staff.

Intertitle 3: Departure of Field Marshal von Mackensen after his visit to Constantinople.

Intertitle 4: Before the departure, the Field Marshal walks along the front of the honorary company.

Intertitle 5: Soldier figures of Austrian Hungarian core troops; a volunteer of the Tyrolean Landsturm. War reports from the Balkans.

Intertitle 6: Field service of German, Austrian-Hungarian and Bulgarian troops in the presence of Bulgarian General Bojadieff.

Intertitle 7: General Bojadieff walks down the front after the ceremony, accompanied by the German officers.

Intertitle 8: The starting point of the train is Brannenburg near Kufstein.

Intertitle 9: The terminus of the railroad. 1840 m. high.

Intertitle 10: On the summit of the Wendelstein.

Source: Bundesarchiv