Messter-Woche Nr. 42 / 1915
War reports from the east. Train column in front of the blown up new bridge over the Vistula; next to it an emergency bridge with a sign: "Marschallbrücke erb. von 1. Pi. 11, 4. pi. 3 u. 1. Lw.Komp.6"; trucks drive over the emergency bridge. Tsar's Lacienky Castle near Warsaw. Troops marching past loaded horse-drawn carts of Polish refugees; soldier with group of refugees. Novo-Georgievsk fortress after its capture on August 20, 1915. Captured Russians cleaning up; entry of a Landsturm battalion; entrance to Fort No. 2; destroyed fortress gun; German soldiers in abandoned position; Russian prisoners in the fortress. Former Romanian Prime Minister Take Jonescu on publicity tour. War reports from the west. Expanding a position behind shot-up houses. Food carriers on their way to the field kitchen. Staff officers inspecting a position under construction. Machine gun in firing position. War reports from the enemy front. Alarm at a French parking garage; motorcycles and cars leaving the large garage. Ruins of the Leomont farm. General Joffre fraternally kissing an old Alsatian. Marching out of the 13th Eryvansk Regiment on the Caucasian front. Source: Bundesarchiv