Riesenflugzeuge der Zeppelin-Werke in Berlin-Staaken bei Spandau

Deutschland 1915-1917 Kurz-Dokumentarfilm
Film ansehen
Production company
Messter Film GmbH (Berlin)

R-plane „R VI“ (constructed under licence by the Gotha wagon factory) is pushed out of the airship hangar in Staaken; the crew gets into the aeroplane; the motors in the gondolas are started up; preparations for take-off; civilian passengers board with hand-luggage; a box is loaded into the aeroplane from an open car; the „R VI“ takes off; pilots in the open cockpit during the flight (filmed from the right motor gondola); aerial footage of Potsdam with the new Palais, the Havel bay, observatory and Church of the Holy Spirit ; landing on an airfield.