Der erste Friedensvertrag des Weltkrieges (1918)
Insert: „Brest-Litovsk, 9th February 1918 Today, on the 9th of February, at 2 a.m., the peace between the four Central Powers and the Ukrainian People's Republic was signed. W.T.B.“ Delegates of the Central Powers in the conference hall (shots of long duration); greeting the Ukrainian People's Deputies at the negotiating table and opening of the session by State Secretary Richard von Kühlmann; signing of the peace treaty by Richard von Kühlmann and General Max Hoffmann (Germany), Foreign Minister Ottokar Count Czernin (Austria-Hungary), Prime Minister Vassil Radoslavov and Colonel Peter Gantschev (Bulgaria), Hakki Pasha and Izzet Pasha (Turkey) and Mykola Ljubynski as representative of the Ukraine; sealing the treaty; the Ukrainian representatives with General Hoffmann; celebration with champagne after the conclusion of the signing.