Yella wants to leave, to finally put her small East German town behind her, and her failed marriage along with it, to go to the West, across the River Elbe, where surely there must be work and a future. In Hanover, she meets Philipp, a young executive in a private equity firm. As his assistant, she proves herself in the ruthless world of venture capital with its steel-and-glass offices, leased limousines and discreetly lit hotel lobbies. Everything seems easy, a thrilling game with nothing but winners. Philipp becomes the man in her life: attentive, unsentimental, determined, and his goals could also become hers. It looks like Yella has arrived on the right side of the Elbe. But strange voices and sounds start to plague her – truths from her past that are coming back to haunt her. She begins to fear that her new life might be too good to be true. She is determined to keep her eyes open – because only those who sleep can wake up.
Source: 75. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin (Catalogue)
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