Mind the Gap
"Mind the Gap" is a documentary about Torsten Riccardo Engelholz, 30 years of age, "mentally handicapped", who was kept locked in a dark room by his parents for a great part of his childhood. He was later put into psychiatric care. Torsten Ricardo is a manic Underground rider and spends all his spare-time riding the tube.
He is also a passionate and talented painter and an actor in a professional theatre group. He has the desire to move in a constant flow of perception. This (cinematically very productive) passion and his great interest in German and Berlin history enable the viewer to get an intensive insight into Torsten Ricardo′s view on the world, which constantly moves between so-called "normality" and his exceptional condition. The film explores the universe of a very special person in a very sensual way and deals with subjects that are essential. Torsten Riccardo holds up a mirror to us.
Source: German films Service & Marketing GmbH
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